Monday, March 28, 2011

Wedding Packages of LOVEEEEE

Not to toot my ethnicity's horn or anything.... but Asians are so smart! Who else would realize the huge demand in wedding packages, a way to simplify a bit of the chaos of wedding planning by bundling together some basic elements - photography, videography, and clothing? Maybe it's not a strictly Asian business, but I haven't heard of other places that specialize in these packages. It's just so intuitive!

Maybe part of it is that Asian love of photo-taking. Don't tell me you haven't seen Asian girls (and guys!) posing in front of the most random, mundane things, with the big-smile-v-sign combo. Heck, I've done it plenty of times, if not 75% of the time when I was younger (Okay, I still do it now...) It was like I had an insane urge to document everything I was doing, with me in the picture so it was proof that I was doing it. Look, I'm going to eat this waffle! Check out me and this okonomiyaki! V-SIGN!!!!

It just isn't complete without the v-sign.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

week 12 picture roundup!

A nice week - my "short" week, meaning I only worked Sun/Wed/Thurs. Of course next week I will be working Mon/Tues/Fri/Sat but I do love having a three day weekend every other week! An especially busy weekend, as I drove down to NYC to check out wedding packages and then drove back up on Sunday. A lot of driving, but now that Cassiopeia is good I know she can handle it!

3/20 - what usually goes on during Sunday night!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Wedding DIY: Bridesmaid Invites

I recently decided on a few amazing friends for my bridesmaids, and although I have already contacted them through phone/email/text, I really wanted to send them something lovely and "official" that would kind of set the tone for the wedding. Plus I do love all things crafty... this might change as more wedding plans crop up, but for now I felt inspired!

the finished invitations

Monday, March 21, 2011

week 11 picture roundup!

This week it started feeling more like spring, especially since we had a gorgeous warm day in the 60's on Thursday! It was amazing! But then, it got cold once again... But spring must be coming, since the vernal equinox was this weekend. It's a sign!

3/13 - so it BEGINS.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Take a Deep Breath...

Wedding planning. These two little words strike terror into my heart, even though it's for such a joyful occasion. I want to have a lovely and heartfelt wedding, without all of the annoyingly necessary planning and research that goes into it. Why, oh why can't it be so? Venues. Save the dates. Photographer. Wedding stationery. Flowers. Guest list. All of that delirious minutiae that go into making a wedding personal and memorable. And I'm supposed to figure that out myself?!

Okay fine, I'm sure some of you would say that the future husband should be involved too, to which I heartily agree! But when your fiance is mostly concerned with budgeting and not so much what the wedding colors should be... it's not much of a help. Which I suppose is partially great, because then I can have everything I want (within budgeting reason)! But then it's also partially not-so-great, because I'll end up ripping out my hair.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

week 10 picture roundup!

First full week of March kicked off with a big snowstorm, but now things seem to be settling down pretty nicely. It's starting to feel like spring! But some bad news at the end of the week...

3/6 - what happens at home.... goes online!

when the going gets tough...

The tough turn to food! Most notably, a delicious Chipotle fajita bowl brimming with steak and generously slathered with cheese and sour cream. The best remedy for work exhaustion and microwave meals - nom nom nom!

Been a little quiet on the blog front, due to lots of work, feeling sleepy on my days off, and also thinking about everything happening in the world and also in NYC. There have been a lot of sobering events recently and it definitely makes little me feel a little down and quite insignificant - after all, you can't control what life will bring to you. Bad things happen to good people all the time, but you just have to keep going and living your life as best as you can. がんばろう、日本!

Friday, March 11, 2011

week 9 picture roundup!

2/26 NONE -
I had my accident today... in retrospect I guess I shoulda taken some pictures, but it was kind of depressing and I kind of don't want photographic evidence of it. I just want to get it back from the collision place like new!

2/27 - the card Dong got me for my birthday. He said he had a gift card for me... a "card that is a gift". HA!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sunrise, Sunrise

Wow, my day off and I end up waking up at 7! Blame it on Dong getting ready for work, blame it on the gorgeous sun streaming into our bedroom, but it doesn't feel too bad! I've always hoped that I could become one of those mystical, sadistic "morning people"; maybe this is my conversion?

Anyway, waking up early let me fool around on blogger and figure out how to put those 'jump break' things into my posts so I don't give away all the goodies right at the get go. Gotta keep some mystery and have you guys click for more, right? I think it's particularly effective when you do it

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

week 8 picture roundup!

Ugh so tired. Gonna sleep in 15.... I'm an old lady now~!

2/20 - Copper nachos at Copper Top Tavern. HUGE appetizer, and definitely overwhelmed me and Dong!