Friday, September 9, 2011

La Vie en Rose

Flying to Paris tomorrow night and I am so excited! I love traveling, and traveling with friends is even better! And even though I've technically been in Paris before, whizzing through on one of those whirlwind bus tours that the Chinese travel agencies set up, it felt like little bits and pieces of it. I never rode the Metro, we didn't get to go all the way up in the Eiffel Tower, and we saw three things in the Louvre (the Venus de Milo, Winged Victory and Mona Lisa) and then we were out. And geez, we ate McDonalds on the Champs Elysees. It was a pretty nice McDonalds, but I mean come on~!

Paris in 2007

It was also pretty cold when we went last time. promises Paris to be in the high 60's and sunny with it... <crosses fingers>

So this time around I'm hoping I can dig a little deeper into Paris and get a real feel for it. I'm not going to delude myself that I'll be able to explore everything, but it would be cool to look back and know what it was like to live in Paris for a week. We're renting an apartment in the Marais, which is supposed to be a pretty cool neighborhood in the 3rd arrondissement. Here's hoping we don't get robbed!

I'm kinda worried about my wardrobe, being in one of the most notoriously fashionable cities in the world. People say NYC is fashionable too but... I feel like it's easier to be casual there, whereas apparently sweats and tshirt would be shocking in Paris. Not that I'm planning to wear those! But just the principle of it.

SIGH! I'll be sooo happy at 9 tonight when I get off work and then I am hopelessly devoted to Paris!

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